Leading housing technology partner Infinity Group is supporting social landlords across the UK on their digital transformation journeys helping them to find the Golden Thread of accurate data running through housing management systems.
Digital housing specialists Infinity Group are inviting IT teams from the UK housing sector to attend a free, in-person workshop which is co-hosted with Microsoft in Birmingham on December 5th, learning how to successfully upgrade legacy housing management systems.
The event includes fireside chats with Sean Lawless, Director of Technology and Innovation at North Star Housing Group and Sarah McRow, Head of Housing Sales at Infinity Group as they share insights on the concept of the ‘Golden Thread’ of data and how innovations in utilising AI are boosting levels of compliance and housing management capabilities. North Star will also unveil its new Landlord and Universal Credit Processing app, automating time consuming manual updates to the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions portal, which has been developed in partnership with Infinity Group.
Attendees at the event will gain an exclusive insight into future innovations from Microsoft in the evolving landscape of housing technology. Microsoft Solution Specialist Caimin Stafford will deliver the keynote exploring the potential of AI and Microsoft Copilot studio to enhance compliance, protect data and utilise real-time reporting for smarter decision-making.
The Digital Transformation team from Wales & West Housing Association will be sharing lessons learnt from replacing legacy systems with a Microsoft-based solution with BRIKHousing, which has transformed the housing provider’s approach to tenancy and arrears management, supporting the social landlord to cut arrears by 57%.
In addition, Wales & West will join housing technology leaders from Orbit Group, United Welsh Housing Association, Wandle Housing Association and Women’s Pioneer Housing in a panel discussion about their implementation journeys with BRIKHousing.
Infinity Group has developed its customised BRIKHousing Management System which works seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics, replacing legacy systems brick-by-brick, one module at a time. Modules include rent accounting, income management with forecasting, tenancy management, reactive repairs, CRM, asset management and Inspections. More than 190,000 homes are being managed by BRIKHousing, with 17 social landlords using BRIKHousing products and eight replacing their Housing Management System, with 96% customer satisfaction.
Sarah McRow, Head of Housing Sales at Infinity Group, said: “We would encourage digital housing leaders to join us in this free day of learning, brimming with innovative content and useful ideas, where we are exploring how technology can support social landlords to achieve best practice in housing management.
“Our BRIKHousing approach focuses on creating a holistic, integrated strategy that ties together all aspects of property management systems utilising a golden thread of data, ultimately boosting efficiency, compliance and tenant satisfaction.
The workshop will include demonstrations and real-world video case studies showcasing how housing providers can keep up with changing regulations automatically, driven by AI and Microsoft Copilot, simplifying processes and making things less stressful for in-house IT teams.”
Infinity’s mission is to create a more productive and secure way of working by supporting housing providers to do more for less across Dynamics 365, Microsoft 365 and Azure, assisting the housing sector to save money, increase accuracy and automate manual processes.
To register to attend this free workshop: ‘How to replace your Housing Management System in a Day’ at the Hyatt Regency in Birmingham on Thursday December 5th from 10am to 3.40pm please visit https://info.infinitygroup.co.uk/event/upgrade-legacy-housing-management-system-workshop or email: hello@infinitygroup.co.uk