Cyber Security

Attack surface_

What is an attack surface?

In cyber security, an attack surface refers to the sum of all possible entry points that a malicious actor could exploit to gain unauthorised access to a computer system, network, or data.

This includes any point of interaction between the system and the outside world, such as:

  • Operating systems and applications
  • Network ports and protocols
  • APIs
  • User accounts and credentials
  • Mobile devices and IoT devices


Reducing the Attack Surface_

Organisations should strive to minimise their attack surface by:

  • Hardening systems and applications: This involves keeping software up to date with the latest security patches, disabling unnecessary features, and configuring security settings appropriately.
  • Segmenting networks: Dividing the network into smaller zones can limit the potential damage caused by a successful attack.
  • Implementing strong access controls: Enforce multi-factor authentication and implement the principle of least privilege, granting users only the access they need to perform their jobs.
  • Educating users: Security awareness training can help employees identify and avoid phishing attempts and other social engineering tactics.


Microsoft offers several tools and technologies that can help organisations reduce their attack surface:

  • Microsoft Endpoint Manager: This cloud-based platform allows centralised management of security configurations and updates for devices like laptops, desktops, and mobile phones.
  • Azure Active Directory: Provides a secure identity and access management solution, enabling organisations to control access to cloud resources and on-premises applications.
  • Microsoft Defender suite: This suite of security products includes tools for endpoint protection, vulnerability management, and cloud security, helping to identify and address potential weaknesses in an organisation’s attack surface.


By proactively reducing their attack surface, organisations can make themselves less vulnerable to cyber attacks. This helps to protect sensitive data, prevent financial losses, and minimise disruption to business operations.

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