Cyber Security

Single Sign-On (SSO)_

What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a cybersecurity convenience and security feature that allows users to access multiple applications and resources with a single login. This eliminates the need to remember and enter credentials for each individual application, streamlining the user experience and reducing the risk of weak or reused passwords.


How does SSO work?

SSO relies on a trust relationship between three key components:

  • Identity Provider (IdP): This acts as a central authentication authority, verifying user identities and managing credentials. Microsoft Azure Active Directory is a common IdP solution.
  • Service Providers (SPs): These are the individual applications or resources users need to access, such as Microsoft 365, web portals, or internal business applications.
  • User: The end-user who interacts with the system.


Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  • The user attempts to access a service provider (SP) application.
  • The SP redirects the user to the identity provider (IdP) for authentication.
  • The user enters their login credentials on the IdP login page.
  • The IdP verifies the credentials and, if successful, sends a secure token back to the SP.
  • The SP trusts the token from the IdP and grants the user access to the requested application.


What are the benefits of SSO:

  • Improved user experience: SSO eliminates the need to remember and enter credentials for multiple applications, saving users time and frustration.
  • Enhanced security: SSO reduces the risk of weak or reused passwords, as users only need to manage one set of strong credentials.
  • Simplified management: IT administrators can centrally manage user access through the IdP, improving efficiency and reducing the burden of managing individual application accounts.
  • Increased productivity: By streamlining the login process, SSO allows users to access the applications they need more quickly, boosting productivity.


Use cases with Microsoft Azure Active Directory:

  • Securing access to Microsoft 365: Azure Active Directory can be used as the central IdP to manage user access to all Microsoft 365 applications, including email, cloud storage, and productivity tools.
  • Simplifying access to internal applications: SSO can be extended to integrate with on-premises or cloud-based internal business applications, allowing users to access them seamlessly with their existing credentials.
  • Enhancing security for web applications: SSO can be used to secure access to web portals or other online applications used within the organisation.

By implementing SSO with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, organisations can create a more user-friendly and secure login environment, improving user experience and reducing security risks.

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